Providing children facing societal disadvantage across the UK with the essential supplies they need for their new school term.
Fighting child poverty over the school holidays
Through no fault of their own, over half a million children across the UK are living in poverty.
Because of this, many of the children in the poverty bracket will go back to school without the essential supplies when starting the new school term.
The Back to School campaign – an initiative by the Sedulo Foundation – aims to stop that from happening.

Over 50,000 pieces of equipment, 1,137 children
Our goal is to help families hit hardest and, with children out of school for Summer with no access to free school meals, face the prospect of returning to their new school year malnourished.
Not only do our Back to School packs contain all of the school essentials a child needs to learn and complete their school work, they also give a child access to warm food and the opportunity to have some independence.
...one nationwide Back to School Appeal
We reach out to the primary schools close to Sedulo team members, our offices, and charities to find those children and families affected most by poor living conditions out of their control.
Packs are created by the Sedulo team in our office locations and distributed through our local community schools and charities network.
This year’s Back to School Appeal will be the BIGGEST yet, reaching 1,137 CHILDREN across our home cities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, London and Birmingham.

How the Back to School Appeal helped in 2023...
An appeal by the Sedulo Foundation
The Sedulo Foundation is the result of years of working with our local communities to alleviate the devastating effect of poverty on children and young people across London and the north of England.
We work with regional charities and youth organisations to identify where and how we can make positive change for young people and collaborate to create maximum impact.